
SpookyTDevil's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 49 (From 9 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 485 Points

Blockade Runner

Medals Earned: 1/4 (25/90 points)

Blockade Ran 25 Points

Got to da chopper

Die a bit 10 Points

Died 20 times in one sitting

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Everlasting 50 Points

Beat the game without dying

Fleeing the Complex

Medals Earned: 3/18 (65/660 points)

Kredit 2 Team 5 Points

Watching kredit make me STRONG

Rank: PD 50 Points

Achieve the Rank PD

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Patron of Tunes 5 Points

Listen to a song linked in the credits

Waldo 5 Points

Where is he?

Nailed It 10 Points

Stuck the landing

xXn00bslayerXx 10 Points

*Obnoxious Airhorn Sound*

bruUGHNO 25 Points

You knew he'd be in this game somewheres

Rise and Shine 25 Points

Wake up and smell the snow

Rank: CA 50 Points

Achieve the Rank CA

Rank: GI 50 Points

Achieve the Rank GI

Rank: IRO 50 Points

Achieve the Rank IRO

Rank: TB 50 Points

Achieve the Rank TB

101 Failmations 100 Points

Get a total of 101 fails

Golden Boy 100 Points

Find all 60 unique fails

Master of the Wall 100 Points

Unlock every medal, then click the icon (ingame)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 2/3 (15/40 points)

Friday Night Funker 5 Points

Start the game


Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2

Just like the game 25 Points

Funk on a Friday (real time)

NG Dreamcast Collab: Homebrew Edition

Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/60 points)

Launch Day 5 Points

Start Your Homebrew Journey

Take Control 5 Points




Olive's Art-Venture

Medals Earned: 3/18 (15/360 points)

Art-venture awaits! 5 Points

Begin the game.

Art degree 5 Points

Complete the tutorial.

Checkmate! 5 Points

Clear floor 1.

Dig it! 5 Points

Clear floor 2.

Lvl up! 5 Points

Clear floor 3.

That figures! 5 Points

Clear floor 4.

Aesthetic! 10 Points

Clear floor 5.

Sweet! 10 Points

Clear floor 6.

Spooky! 10 Points

Clear floor 7.

Good luck! 25 Points

Clear floor 8.

Happy mistake 50 Points

Destroy the Rob Boss.

Olive Monet 50 Points

Clear floor 10.

Olive van Gogh 50 Points

Clear floor 12.

Olive da Vinci 100 Points

Clear floor 14.

Omicron 10 Points

Unleash fever mode 20+ times.

Average mouse user 5 Points

Fail to cast a spell 100+ times.

Deviant Art 5 Points


Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Peter's Quest

Medals Earned: 2/32 (10/490 points)

It begins 5 Points

Begin a run

Stomping Grounds 5 Points

Discover Pico's School

Playing with Fire 10 Points

Unlock Darnell

Unholy Forces 10 Points

Unlock Cassandra

Popular Kid 10 Points

Unlock Nene

Sleazy Teeth 10 Points

Unlock Chester BoDean

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Ant 5 Points

Kill 1 Enemy

Ant-age 5 Points

Kill 15 Enemies

Ant-ergy 10 Points

Kill 50 Enemies

Ant-acre 10 Points

Kill 125 Enemies

Ant-ocide 25 Points

Kill 250 Enemies

Ant-nihilation 25 Points

Kill 500 Enemies

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Kill Bill. 10 Points

Kill Bill the Dungbeetle

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

It ends 25 Points

Complete a run

Falling Down 5 Points

Discover Domain Outskirts

Getting Closer 5 Points

Discover Upper Domain

Warmer Still 10 Points

Discover Domain Catacombs

It's hot down here! 10 Points

Discover Domain Core

We're close.. 10 Points

Discover Tomb Border

His home. 25 Points

Discover Tomb Heart

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

WHAT the fuck 50 Points

Beat the game as Pico without any help

Completionist 50 Points

Unlock All Medals

Pico's School

Medals Earned: 3/7 (175/260 points)

Save the Day 100 Points

Well aren't you a fucking hero?!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Portal Defenders: Tower Defense

Medals Earned: 2/12 (10/280 points)

Cannibal 5 Points

Earn a heart from eating 4 enemy organs

Remorse 5 Points

Sell a tower

Curious 5 Points

Visit the creators' website

Mad Max 10 Points

Upgrade all 3 tower types to maximum in the same level

Over 9000 50 Points

Purchase all permanent upgrades

Completionist 50 Points

5-star every level

Weeaboo 10 Points

Beat Hanzou

Redemption 10 Points

Beat Jebus

How Bizarre 25 Points

Beat Bizarro Tom

Iron Man 100 Points

Beat the game without getting any permanent upgrades

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Tankmas ADVENTure 2022

Medals Earned: 32/40 (165/230 points)

December 1st 5 Points

Open the first present!

December 5th 5 Points

Open the fifth present!

December 6th 5 Points

Open the sixth present!

December 7th 5 Points

Open the seventh present!

December 8th 5 Points

Open the eighth present!

December 9th 5 Points

Open the ninth present!

December 10th 5 Points

Open the tenth present!

December 11th 5 Points

Open the eleventh present!

December 12th 5 Points

Open the twelfth present!

December 13th 5 Points

Open the thirteenth present!

December 14th 5 Points

Open the fourteenth present!

December 15th 5 Points

Open the fifteenth present!

December 16th 5 Points

Open the sixteenth present!

December 17th 5 Points

Open the seventeenth present!

December 18th 5 Points

Open the eighteenth present!

December 19th 5 Points

Open the nineteenth present!

December 20th 5 Points

Open the twentieth present!

December 21st 5 Points

Open the twenty-first present!

December 22nd 5 Points

Open the twenty-second present!

December 23rd 5 Points

Open the twenty-third present!

December 24th 5 Points

Open the twenty-fourth present!

December 25th 5 Points

Open the twenty-fifth present!

December 26th 5 Points

Open the twenty-sixth present!

December 27th 5 Points

Open the twenty-seventh present!

December 28th 5 Points

Open the twenty-eighth present!

December 29th 5 Points

Open the twenty-nineth present!

December 30th 5 Points

Open the thirtieth present!

December 31st 5 Points

Open the thirty-first present!

January 1st 5 Points

Open the thirty-second present!

Candlebearer 5 Points

Witness the Day of the Little Candles

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Use the home movie theater to its fullest and catch a premiere! (deja vu)

December 2nd 5 Points

Open the second present!

December 3rd 5 Points

Open the third present!

December 4th 5 Points

Open the fourth present!

Yeti Yeeted 5 Points

Defeat the Yeti in the Yule Duel arcade game!

Santa Slain 10 Points

Defeat Santa in the Yule Duel arcade game!

Collector's Set 25 Points

Collect all 25 cards in the Yule Duel arcade game!

Comic Consumer 5 Points

Read "A Gift to Never Forget" in the Blue Door

The End 5 Points

Open all the presents